Monday, October 20, 2008

Finaly over and two month in...

As you can probably guess from the title that i am talking about school and for those of who can't; I'm am back at school. i have found my schedule to be ... fitting. On Monday i get to wake up bright and early and sit through a lecture on how Lord Biron was sleeping with his sister but he didn't want anyone to know so he just put it in his published works for 50 min. then i get to putt around, or as i like to say to my teachers "work" for another 50 min segment. then the real fun starts where i work my tinny minions to the bone as i make them learn the basics of ASL I, then sadly i must stop my power high long enough to sit through a physics lecture, and after that i get an Hour and a half for lunch, and as a sir. i can go off campus to sit alone or to run food runs for the younger kids, but after that i get to again "work" through a study hall. and lastly i go to a pre-cal lesson that goes so far over my head that its not even funny.
that is my in school schedule on monday and on tuesday - friday it look the same just in longer blocks.
Tuesday= Lit, Study Hall, Lunch, Study Hall*, ASL II
(* yes i think that adds up to 3 hours of nothing to do)
Wenesday= ASL I **, Physics, Lunch, ASL II
(**nothing like trying to teach at 8am)
Thurdsay= Lit, Study Hall, Lunch, Study Hall, ASL II
Friday= ASL I, Physics, Lunch, ASL II

Oh and one last thing, the school considers me both a student and a staff member, this is because i am careing for the 18 month - 3 year old kids for one hour after school and getting paid... picture below is me careing for an older, more obnoctious kid during my Pre-Cal class.

He was "sick" so he told his mom ( the principal) he wanted to lie down. the closest place with a place to lie down ( a bean bag) was my class so he goes in and the moment my teacher leaves the class he pops up and starts causing havoc

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