Thursday, November 6, 2008

one man's insanity...

So nothing really too exciting going on since last post... at least that is to the outside observer.
So there are two things that are making me rather giddy at the moment and they are as follows:
1) My Dr. Horrible costume was an amazing success. I wore it all day; that means i got to show it off at school and at all of two parties. Now i do admit that there was a casualty in the aftermath. the day after my goggles got smoshed but i think they might be salvageable (no mom i am not mad at you) but other then that everything about it was perfect and i have to thank mom for all the time, blood, and stress she put into it.*This picture was taken at school with my friend Kelly, she was a tuorist*
2) There was a new Cowboy Mouth CD released. Now i was surprised by this becasue even though they released it September 23rd i only found out about it November 4th. now as much as this makes me feel like a bad fan it still was a welcom lift to my day/week/month/ year. i have long thought that Cowboy Mouth has been writing the soundtrack to my life, they just dont know it.
Well this "new" CD is called fearless and is comprised of some old feavorites like Tell the Girl Ur Sorry and Disconnected but other then that they are all new songs.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No response, BTW from the League yet but my application is strong this year.

For those who have not heard, i am going to be Dr. Horrible this year for Halloween, here are some pictures of the items for the costume i have so far
Goggles: cheek
(i know they are green but that will be fixed tomorrow with a can of spray paint)
Gloves: check
Khakis and white Boots: Double cheek

As for the lab coat, it is in 3 peaces down stairs waiting to be sewen together, but i have no fears. it will be done by Oct 31st. also i was thinking of getting a silver brief case and writing Wonderflonium on it.

P.S. sorry fir the photos the only camera i have is the one on my laptop.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Finaly over and two month in...

As you can probably guess from the title that i am talking about school and for those of who can't; I'm am back at school. i have found my schedule to be ... fitting. On Monday i get to wake up bright and early and sit through a lecture on how Lord Biron was sleeping with his sister but he didn't want anyone to know so he just put it in his published works for 50 min. then i get to putt around, or as i like to say to my teachers "work" for another 50 min segment. then the real fun starts where i work my tinny minions to the bone as i make them learn the basics of ASL I, then sadly i must stop my power high long enough to sit through a physics lecture, and after that i get an Hour and a half for lunch, and as a sir. i can go off campus to sit alone or to run food runs for the younger kids, but after that i get to again "work" through a study hall. and lastly i go to a pre-cal lesson that goes so far over my head that its not even funny.
that is my in school schedule on monday and on tuesday - friday it look the same just in longer blocks.
Tuesday= Lit, Study Hall, Lunch, Study Hall*, ASL II
(* yes i think that adds up to 3 hours of nothing to do)
Wenesday= ASL I **, Physics, Lunch, ASL II
(**nothing like trying to teach at 8am)
Thurdsay= Lit, Study Hall, Lunch, Study Hall, ASL II
Friday= ASL I, Physics, Lunch, ASL II

Oh and one last thing, the school considers me both a student and a staff member, this is because i am careing for the 18 month - 3 year old kids for one hour after school and getting paid... picture below is me careing for an older, more obnoctious kid during my Pre-Cal class.

He was "sick" so he told his mom ( the principal) he wanted to lie down. the closest place with a place to lie down ( a bean bag) was my class so he goes in and the moment my teacher leaves the class he pops up and starts causing havoc

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I thought i would fill every body in on how my summer is going and the schedule I'm running. As most everyone knows, i got a job at Apollo Scooters(we also sell motorcycles and segways) doing what-ever th owner feels like making me do, so far I've done things like: bring the bikes out in the morning, change the oil, make sure the mikes are idling correctly, replacing the brake fluid,unpack new bikes from their metallic frame, get the bikes inspected, and help customers. I've been working there since the 21st of may and i get to work Tuesday -Saturday and i start my days at 8:3o AM and i try to wiggle out at 5ish but on some days i actually work until seven. i found it incredibly frustrating the first couple of days because Matt, my boss, loved to tell me to do something and then not tell me how its done so as you would expect some mistakes where made in the begging that where just bad, my favorite ones would have to be: when i broke a key off inside of a bike, lost traction on the floor and toppled over with a bike, and last but not least spilled a small amount of sulfuric acid on myself (concentration unknown). But other then that everything has been good for me at work and i tend not to mess up anymore.
But all in all this summer is looking good, I'm getting paid $8 an hour, i have plenty of time to be with friends, I've started to study for the ACT and i am most defanatly going to visit New Orleans before the start of my Senior year.

Well its better late then never.

So i have come to the realization that to even find out what is going on in my own family i must start to blog. so here i am ready to pour my heart out on the internet for all the stalkers of the world to see.